Friday 17 August 2012

Mum oil painting

First of all, my mum doesn't look this old and scary in real life! I made it look this way as Lucian Freud was my influence, hence the depressed face!
 This was my first ever oil painting and is probably my best portrait I've done so far so I'm definitely going to use oil paints more often, whenever I can buy canvasses since you can't use them on paper!
 I hope to produce a lot more work like this soon which I'll use in portfolios when applying to university art courses as I really enjoy doing them and I think they show my ability well :)

Monday 13 August 2012

Self portrait chalk pastel

I did this quickly during my GCSE art exam with different colour chalk pastels (mainly blues and greens) as I'd finished my main piece and decided to add more to my folder! I used different colours because I'd started  replacing colours in the project depending on the shadows and highlights of the face.
(I don't think this looks like me!)

Peter Howson's in chalk pastel

Two of my own replicas of Peter Howson's work done with chalk pastels. I love Peter Howson's exaggerated way of working on portraits and the top piece especially is one of my favourites, I could look at it forever! The colours and the cartoon like features are great and I'd love to do a portrait of my own in that style.

Thursday 9 August 2012

Peter Howson oil pastel

I did a copy of Peter Howson's work (not sure the name) using oil pastels. This was also for GCSE - I'll post more recent work once most of my old stuff is up!

Robert Cottingham "KRESGE'S"

A watercolour copy of Robert Cottingham's "Kresge's" - for a City/building project at GCSE in year 10 2010. Not my best but it's alright!

Selina in chalk pastel

This was for a GCSE project where I chose to do portraits. Not much to say about this one, it's my cousin's baby :)

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Acrylic Grandma

This is one of the first acrylic paintings I did (in 2010/early 2011) and is of my grandma. As you can see I wasn't very skilled and am still learning but I don't think its too bad for a first attempt - as it was also my first bigger portrait (A2 sized).

Oil & chalk pastels

These were part of my final exam in year 11, summer 2011.  Unfortunately I don't have an image of the final piece because it's on display at my secondary school which I don't go to any more and never have chance to go and get it - but I need to do that soon!
I did a lot of experiments with changing colours and from a black & white photo managed to select different areas of colour and chose pinks, purple and green (fluorescent) for this one.
I tried it in oil pastels and chalk pastels and much preferred the chalks so that's what my final piece ended up like. Similar to the bottom one but a lot better!

Still life ink leaves on newspaper

 I've improved a lot since but I still like this for some reason! It is still life leaves/pod things painted with inks on a newspaper collage done in the early stages of GCSE art in year 10, 2010!

Thursday 2 August 2012


Pencil and graphite drawing I did of my cousin a while back. Annoyed about the crease in the middle of the paper - I should really take better care of my work! I think I've improved since I did this one.

Tablet sketches

I was fortunate enough to have some spare time on my last day of work experience (20th July 2012) so I made use of the spare computer tablet and did this computer sketches of my Grandad, boyfriend and Uncle (top to bottom). I'd never used a tablet/pen before so I was quite proud of these! I did want to add more to the one of my Grandad but I ran out of time - I think it looks okay that way anyway :)

First post!

I doubt I have any readers yet, (hopefully that will change) but I've decided to start up a blog with my artwork just because I'd like to share it!
 Most of the work I'll be posting is for my A Level work because I rarely get spare time to do anything other than that, but I only ever do art that's personal to me so even though I have exam criteria to stick to I try to keep it related to me and my life and all work is my own ideas.
 I am mainly a portrait painter now but I have done different work in the past which I will be uploading since I have a few years of work to catch up with the present day!